Online sessions begin March 10, 2025. ENROLL NOW! Call 1-800-522-7737, email [email protected] or click here to contact us.

Online sessions begin March 10, 2025. ENROLL NOW! Call 1-800-522-7737, email [email protected] or click here to contact us.

Hand with pen is writing " Are You Ready" on transparent white board.

Several reports indicate that joining the legal profession is a lucrative move. While it’s rewarding both financially and personally, however, pursuing a career as a paralegal can be stressful and daunting due to many changes seen in the sector.

A number of trends have emerged, which all aim to help law professionals become more productive, efficient, and competitive. We’ve list down the things that are transforming the law practice and the legal industry overall.


To establish a profitable career as a paralegal, more and more people consider taking online courses. With advancements in technology, eLearning quickly became a reliable option. After all, it offers many great benefits, such as convenience, easy navigation, time management, careful tracking and full blown learning experience.

Multigenerational Workforce

This is another big factor that can significantly change the legal industry for the years to come. In an organization, for instance, four generations of legal professionals are expected to work side by side. These include the baby boomers, the traditionalists, the generation Y, and the generation X. As paralegals and lawyers have the option to work beyond their retirement age, most law firms are striving to balance a generation gap.

Virtual Law Office

By 2020, studies show that many legal professionals will automate traditional analog and manual process. One will use information to digitize, reinvent or eliminate business process from a decade earlier. With the emergence of efficient mobile devices and secure Internet connection, paralegals and lawyers can set up their virtual law offices and work anytime, anywhere they want.

Let CLS by BARBRI help you build a successful career as a paralegal. We offer affordable courses, which are all available in flexible schedules. As a respected paralegal education training center in the country, we ensure that our team can guide you in earning your professional certificate. Get in touch with us today for more information.